To log in with our new user, we go to and type in your new identity. For my user, it is [email protected] but yours will be your new username and the domain name of your tenant. So type in your email address and click <next>
Type in your password and click <sign in>Since it is your first login, you are forced to change your password. We took all of the defaults, and this is one of the default settings. We will look back later and see what other options we had at creation time. For now, enter your current password and then your new one twice and click <sign in>You are then asked if you want to stay signed in. I always click Don't show this again and then click <no>You are then taken to and you see your current profile and assets (it is pretty empty)That will be it for tonight. We were able to authenticate using the username and password we created last night. We opened up an empty dashboard, but it won't stay empty for long.