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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Creating an open source project: Automating the build process

AppVeyor provides free automated builds for Open Source projects, and it is truly painless to get started.  You just authorize the application to access your GitHub account, create a new AppVeyor project, select your repository, and build!  Well, almost that easy.  The one thing that I did have to do is add a pre-build script to restore the NuGet packages:
Add NuGet restore packages command to build
Once that was done, the build functioned and the tests all ran.  I even added a build badge to the file.
[edit] I also ended up having to add a pointer to the solution file in the build settings to get the automated builds on checkin to work correctly:
Add solution file to AppVeyor build settings

Next, I am going to get CodeCov integration working.  It is based on OpenCover and is another free resource for Open Source projects.  I am having some trouble with the command line version of MSTest, so it isn't a tonight thing.

Keep your code clean and covers on!