For now, let's just look at how we would manually create a template to just add data. There are actually two ways, one through XML and the other through code. First, let's look at the XML option. Here is the template for a simple list for holding countries. Now, before anyone starts ranting about it, yes, I know that it would be better in most cases to store such flat/static data in a Term Store. No, I am not going to show how to provision a term store through the template yet. Here is the XML:
<pnp:ListInstance Title="CountryList" Description="" DocumentTemplate="" TemplateType="100" Url="Lists/CountryList" MinorVersionLimit="0" MaxVersionLimit="0" DraftVersionVisibility="0" TemplateFeatureID="00bfea71-de22-43b2-a848-c05709900100" EnableFolderCreation="false"> <pnp:ContentTypeBindings> <pnp:ContentTypeBinding ContentTypeID="0x01" Default="true" /> <pnp:ContentTypeBinding ContentTypeID="0x0120" /> </pnp:ContentTypeBindings> <pnp:DataRows> <pnp:DataRow> <pnp:DataValue FieldName="Title">Canada</pnp:DataValue> </pnp:DataRow> <pnp:DataRow> <pnp:DataValue FieldName="Title">UK</pnp:DataValue> </pnp:DataRow> <pnp:DataRow> <pnp:DataValue FieldName="Title">US</pnp:DataValue> </pnp:DataRow> </pnp:DataRows> </pnp:ListInstance>This will create a default list of items and populate three rows. They are just added within the pnp:DataRows section.
The other way is to create a data filled provisioning template is to create an instance of the ProvisioningTemplate object and add a ListInstance filled with DataRow(s). Once you have populated the collection you can export it to XML. Here is some sample code that creates a list named Test List and populates one row of data:
using OfficeDevPnP.Core.Framework.Provisioning.Model; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace GenerateAPopulateDataTemplate { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var fileName = "testTemplate.xml"; ProvisioningTemplate provisioningTemplate = new ProvisioningTemplate(); ListInstance list = new ListInstance(); list.Title = "Test List"; var data = new Dictionary<string, string>(); data.Add("Title", "First Item"); list.DataRows.Add(new DataRow(data)); provisioningTemplate.Lists.Add(list); System.IO.File.WriteAllText( string.Format(@".\{0}", fileName), provisioningTemplate.ToXML()); } } }Here is the XML templated created by running the code above:
<pnp:Provisioning xmlns:pnp=""> <pnp:Preferences Generator="OfficeDevPnP.Core, Version=2.8.1610.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" /> <pnp:Templates ID="CONTAINER-"> <pnp:ProvisioningTemplate Version="0"> <pnp:Lists> <pnp:ListInstance Title="Test List" TemplateType="0" MinorVersionLimit="0" MaxVersionLimit="0" DraftVersionVisibility="0"> <pnp:DataRows> <pnp:DataRow> <pnp:DataValue FieldName="Title">First Item</pnp:DataValue> </pnp:DataRow> </pnp:DataRows> </pnp:ListInstance> </pnp:Lists> </pnp:ProvisioningTemplate> </pnp:Templates> </pnp:Provisioning>
Happy coding!