Buy Me a Coffee

Buy Me a Coffee!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Our new user on the Azure Portal

 Sorry, this is going to be a quick one.  Ok, we logged in to Microsoft using our new user, can we get into the Azure Portal using it?  If so, what can we see?  Go to (you will be redirected to automatically) and enter your new username and click <next>

Enter your password and click <sign in>
Click on <i want to use a different authenticator app>
Scan the authenticator QR code and click <next>

Enter your code and click <next>

And then click <done>

Say <no> and you are logged in
You are then logged into Microsoft Azure Portal and it wants to start a tour.  Click <maybe later>
Now that we are logged in, we can figure out what we can do.  I will work on that tomorrow.