•[0] Module: The current module descriptor.
•[1] TypeRef : Class reference descriptors.
•[2] TypeDef : Class or interface definition descriptors.
•[3] FieldPtr : A class-to-fields lookup table, which does not exist in optimized metadata (#~ stream).
•[4] Field: Field definition descriptors.
•[5] MethodPtr : A class-to-methods lookup table, which does not exist in optimized metadata (#~ stream).
•[6] Method: Method definition descriptors.
•[7] ParamPtr: A method-to-parameters lookup table, which does not exist in optimized metadata (#~ stream).
•[8] Param: Parameter definition descriptors.
•[9] InterfaceImpl: Interface implementation descriptors.
•[10] MemberRef: Member (field or method) reference descriptors.
•[11] Constant: Constant value descriptors that map the default values stored in the #Blob stream to respective fields, parameters, and properties.
•[12] CustomAttribute: Custom attribute descriptors.
•[13] FieldMarshal: Field or parameter marshaling descriptors for managed/unmanaged interoperations.
•[14] DeclSecurity: Security descriptors.
•[15] ClassLayout: Class layout descriptors that hold information about how the loader should lay out respective classes.
•[16] FieldLayout: Field layout descriptors that specify the offset or ordinal of individual fields.
•[17] StandAloneSig: Stand-alone signature descriptors. Signatures per se are used in two capacities: as composite signatures of local variables of methods and as parameters of the call indirect (calli) IL instruction.
•[18] EventMap: A class-to-events mapping table. This is not an intermediate lookup table, and it does exist in optimized metadata.
•[19] EventPtr: An event map–to–events lookup table, which does not exist in optimized metadata (#~ stream).
•[20] Event: Event descriptors.
•[21] PropertyMap: A class-to-properties mapping table. This is not an intermediate lookup table, and it does exist in optimized metadata.
•[22] PropertyPtr: A property map–to–properties lookup table, which does not exist in optimized metadata (#~ stream).
•[23] Property: Property descriptors.
•[24] MethodSemantics: Method semantics descriptors that hold information about which method is associated with a specific property or event and in what capacity.
•[25] MethodImpl: Method implementation descriptors.
•[26] ModuleRef: Module reference descriptors.
•[27] TypeSpec: Type specification descriptors.
•[28] ImplMap: Implementation map descriptors used for the platform invocation (P/Invoke) type of managed/unmanaged code interoperation.
•[29] FieldRVA: Field-to-data mapping descriptors.
•[30] ENCLog: Edit-and-continue log descriptors that hold information about what changes have been made to specific metadata items during in-memory editing. This table does not exist in optimized metadata (#~ stream).
•[31] ENCMap: Edit-and-continue mapping descriptors. This table does not exist in optimized metadata (#~ stream).
•[32] Assembly: The current assembly descriptor, which should appear only in the prime module metadata.
•[33] AssemblyProcessor: This table is unused.
•[34] AssemblyOS: This table is unused.
•[35] AssemblyRef: Assembly reference descriptors.
•[36] AssemblyRefProcessor: This table is unused.
•[37] AssemblyRefOS: This table is unused.
•[38] File: File descriptors that contain information about other files in the current assembly.
•[39] ExportedType: Exported type descriptors that contain information about public classes exported by the current assembly, which are declared in other modules of the assembly. Only the prime module of the assembly should carry this table.
•[40] ManifestResource: Managed resource descriptors.
•[41] NestedClass: Nested class descriptors that provide mapping of nested classes to their respective enclosing classes.
•[42] GenericParam: Type parameter descriptors for generic (parameterized) classes and methods.
•[43] MethodSpec: Generic method instantiation descriptors.
•[44] GenericParamConstraint: Descriptors of constraints specified for type parameters of generic classes and methods.